Camilo Moreno Moya

Camilo Moreno Moya


Camilo joined the firm in 2022, and his professional practice focuses mainly in the area of civil and labor litigation, advising companies in various labor and social security matters.

+56 2 26048651

- Labor and Social Security.
- Litigation.
- Catholic University of Chile, Law School, Bachelor's Degree in Law and Social Sciences (2020).
- Diploma in Labor Law, specializing in Collective Bargaining and Negotiation, Catholic University of Chile (2021).
- Research and teaching assistant for the course "Employer's Liability: Workplace Accidents and Occupational Illnesses" Catholic University of Chile (2018).
- Teaching assistant for the course "Labor Law", Catholic University of Chile (2017).
- Research collaborator for the periodical release of "Cuadernos de Última Jurisprudencia Laboral".
- Research collaborator for the publication of the book "Esquemas de Seguridad Social", by professors Yenny Pinto Sarmiento and Hugo Cifuentes Lillo.
- Spanish
- English